Timing API: Mastering Time with Kotlin

10 min read

Time measurement is essential for Android app development. It makes our apps faster and more efficient. Kotlin is a popular language for building these apps, and it keeps improving its time management features. Kotlin 1.9 launched the Timing API, a set of tools to measure time intelligently. This is not only about timing tasks; it’s about optimizing our apps’ performance.

We’ll examine the Timing API in detail, focusing on “Duration” and “ValueTimeMark.” These are not ordinary tools; they’re crucial for making our apps accurate and smooth.

Let’s discover the Timing API in Kotlin and how it helps us enhance our apps with every millisecond.

Keeping Tabs on Performance is Always a Big Deal

Performance is the key to success for Android app development. Users want applications that work fast and smoothly. Any performance issue can make users unhappy and even cause them to stop using the app.

Understanding Performance Impact

Performance measurement is more than just collecting data. It’s about understanding the user experience, and how to create an app that delights and engages. In this field, milliseconds count, not only for improving the user experience but also for ensuring the app’s viability.

Navigating Traditional Time Measurement Challenges

Before Kotlin’s Timing API, we resorted to various methods to measure time, like using System.nanoTime() or System.currentTimeMillis(). While these methods did provide insights, they came with their own set of challenges:

Crafting custom timing solutions often led to verbose and intricate code. Managing start and end times manually resulted in code that was not only repetitive but also prone to errors.

import java.lang.System

val startTime = System.nanoTime()
// ... the code being measured ...
val endTime = System.nanoTime()
val duration = endTime - startTime
println("Execution time in nanoseconds: $duration")
println("Execution time in milliseconds: ${duration / 1_000_000}")

We often created extension functions or custom timing utilities to handle timing logic. This was a temporary solution, but it made the code more complex and harder to maintain.

Measuring time precisely and accurately was not easy. Methods like System.nanoTime() and System.currentTimeMillis() were not always reliable, depending on the system architecture and JVM implementation.

Using manual timing logic added more overhead. The extra code for timing measurements could affect the performance we wanted to measure, especially in the app’s critical parts.

A New Way of Measuring Time

Kotlin’s Timing API is a game changer for time measurement. It solves the problems of traditional methods with its simple, accurate, and efficient design. This innovation lets us focus on improving and refining our code, instead of dealing with the complications of manual time tracking. By using the API, we don’t need custom extensions or bespoke timing constructs. We can measure execution time with a standard and reliable way, which reduces code complexity and error potential.

Kotlin’s Timing API gives us a powerful tool that makes time measurement easier and better. It also enhances the precision and readability of our code. This is not just a minor improvement; it is a fundamental shift in how we measure time, matching our constant pursuit of excellence and efficiency in app development.

Easy and Precise Time Measurement with the Timing API

Kotlin shows its dedication to improving the developer experience with the Timing API. The Timing API makes performance measurement easy and precise. It hides the complexities of time tracking, and gives us a clear and expressive syntax. Here are the main features of the Timing API:

The Timing API simplifies time measurement. With functions like measureTime and measureTimedValue, we can track how long a piece of code runs. It’s simple – just put your code inside these functions and get the execution time. This is useful when you want to work faster and smarter, without getting stuck in complexity.

The Timing API also ensures accuracy. It gives us precise and helpful numbers when we check our code’s performance. This helps us a lot when we want to find and fix issues and make our project run smoothly.

The Timing API also makes collaboration and maintenance easier. The syntax is easy to understand, so anyone on our team can read and write the code. It also makes it easier to revisit and modify our code later. The Timing API is not only good for now – it also sets us up for success in the future.

Code Samples: Timing API in Action

To illustrate, let’s look at the Timing API in action:

Basic Execution Time Measurement
import kotlin.time.measureTime

val executionTime = measureTime {
    // ... your code block ...

println("The code block took: $executionTime")

In this example, measureTime neatly wraps around your code block, measuring its measureTime wraps around your code block, measuring its execution time, which is then returned as a Duration object for logging or further use.

Measuring Time and Retrieving a Result
import kotlin.time.measureTimedValue

val (result, duration) = measureTimedValue {
    // ... your code block that produces a result ...
println("Result: $result, took: $duration")
Important: Please note that there is a d after "measureTime", please make sure to include this!

measureTimedValue provides a convenient way to obtain both the result of your code block and the duration it took to execute, offering a harmonious blend of functionality and performance insight.

As Kotlin’s Timing API paves the way for more expressive, concise, and readable code, it also introduces the Duration object, further enhancing the handling and representation of time measurements. This object not only aligns with the API’s principles of precision and ease but also opens the door to advanced time measurement and manipulation capabilities.

How to Use the Duration Object in Kotlin

The Duration object is a key part of Kotlin’s Timing API, showing the language’s dedication to accuracy, clarity, and ease of use. It represents time durations with great flexibility and precision, giving us a rich set of tools to work with and change time spans in our apps.

Duration makes it easy to switch between time units, such as seconds, milliseconds, or nanoseconds. This is important when your app’s logic depends on precise timing.

Let’s see how Duration works in practice, and how it improves the way we deal with time in our apps:

Unit Conversion and Representation

import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

val durationFromMinutes = 3.minutes
val durationInSeconds = durationFromMinutes.inWholeSeconds
val durationInMilliseconds = durationFromMinutes.inWholeMilliseconds
println("Duration: $durationFromMinutes or $durationInSeconds seconds or $durationInMilliseconds milliseconds")

This snippet demonstrates the fluid conversion and representation capabilities of Duration, allowing for transparent and intuitive handling of different time units.

Arithmetic with Time, Simplified

import kotlin.time.seconds

val initialDuration = 15.seconds
val bufferTime = 5.seconds
val totalDuration = initialDuration + bufferTime
println("Total Duration: $totalDuration")

Here, Duration enables straightforward arithmetic operations, allowing you to calculate total times, buffers, or intervals effortlessly, making your code not just more intuitive but also more maintainable.

The Duration class provides a number of functions and properties to create and convert durations in different units, such as seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds, and so on.

To convert a duration to a Long number of milliseconds, we can use the property inWholeMilliseconds.

val milliseconds = duration.inWholeMilliseconds

To get the absolute value of a duration, we can use the property absoluteValue:

val absoluteDuration = duration.absoluteValue

There are also functions to add, subtract, multiply, or divide durations, such as plus, minus, times, and div. These functions return a new duration as the result of the operation.

For more information about the Duration class and its functions and properties, please refer to the official documentation.

Advanced Time Measurements in Kotlin

As we delve deeper into performance optimization, Kotlin’s advanced time measurement tools come into play. These tools, including ValueTimeMark and TimeSource, provide sophisticated methods for tracking and comparing time, critical in complex application scenarios.

ValueTimeMark is a key player in Kotlin’s timing toolkit, offering enhanced capabilities for precise time tracking and comparisons.


import kotlin.time.TimeSource
import kotlin.time.TimeSource.Monotonic

val mark = markNow()
// ... operations to be measured ...
val elapsed = mark.elapsedNow()
println("Elapsed time: $elapsed")

Here, markNow() creates a ValueTimeMark from the monotonic clock. The elapsedNow() function then measures the time elapsed since the mark was created, providing a precise duration.

What is a Monotonic Clock and Why is it Important?

A monotonic clock is a type of clock that never goes backward or forward, even if the system time changes. It always moves forward at a constant rate, providing accurate and consistent time measurements.

A monotonic clock is essential for measuring durations, especially in advanced time measurements. It ensures that the measured time is always increasing, regardless of any system time adjustments. This makes it a reliable and stable time source for time-dependent code.

Monotonic vs System Clock
import kotlin.time.TimeSource
import kotlin.time.TimeSource.Monotonic

val startMonotonic = TimeSource.Monotonic.markNow()
val systemTimeAtStart = System.currentTimeMillis()

// Simulate a system clock adjustment and a delay
Thread.sleep(1000) // Simulate a 1-second delay
val systemTimeAdjustment = 5000 // Simulate a 5-second adjustment

val adjustedSystemTimeAtEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + systemTimeAdjustment
val elapsedMonotonic = startMonotonic.elapsedNow()
val elapsedSystem = (adjustedSystemTimeAtEnd - systemTimeAtStart).milliseconds

println("Monotonic time elapsed: $elapsedMonotonic")
println("System time elapsed (after adjustment): $elapsedSystem")

This example highlights the reliability of monotonic time. Even if the system time changes, the monotonic time measurement remains consistent, ensuring accurate duration tracking.

TimeSource provides customizable and testable time measurements by offering Mark and ValueTimeMark instances.

Using TimeSource for Custom Time Measurements:
val customTimeSource = TimeSource.Monotonic
val startTimeMark = customTimeSource.markNow()
// ... code execution ...
val elapsedTime = startTimeMark.elapsedNow()
println("Custom time measurement: $elapsedTime")

TimeSource allows for tailored time measurements, ensuring that we can implement precise timing logic according to their specific application requirements.

Through ValueTimeMark and TimeSource, coupled with the reliability of monotonic clocks, Kotlin empowers us with advanced tools for precise time tracking and comparisons. These tools are essential for performance optimization, providing the flexibility and accuracy needed for sophisticated time measurement scenarios.

Testing with Advanced Time Measurements

Ensuring the reliability and correctness of time-dependent code is a critical aspect of application development. Kotlin’s advanced timing tools, designed with testability in mind, provide us with the means to write tests that are both robust and maintainable.

The Significance of Testability in Time-Dependent Code

Time-dependent code, if not properly tested, can lead to unpredictable and flaky tests. Such tests can fail or pass without consistent reasons, often due to their reliance on real system time, which varies. To overcome this, it’s crucial to simulate time in a controlled manner during testing, making your tests deterministic.

Leveraging TimeSource for Testing

TimeSource abstracts the concept of time, making it an invaluable tool for writing testable time-dependent code. It allows us to replace the real time source with a controllable one during testing, enabling precise simulation of time-related scenarios.

Testing with a Custom TimeSource: Before diving into the example, it’s important to understand ExperimentalTime. This annotation marks the Time Measurement and Duration API as experimental, meaning it’s subject to change. Kotlin uses this annotation to indicate that the feature is in a preview state. While it’s stable enough for use, We should be aware that the API might evolve, and they should be prepared to make changes in their code in future versions.

Ensure you have the necessary imports and understand the implications of using ExperimentalTime:

import kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime
import kotlin.time.TimeMark
import kotlin.time.TimeSource
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes

class TestTimeSource(var currentTime: Duration = Duration.ZERO) : TimeSource {
    override fun markNow(): TimeMark {
        return object : TimeMark() {
            override fun elapsedNow(): Duration = currentTime
    fun addElapsedTime(duration: Duration) {
        currentTime += duration

val testTimeSource = TestTimeSource()
val startTimeMark = testTimeSource.markNow()
// Simulate time passing in the test
val elapsedTime = startTimeMark.elapsedNow()
println("Elapsed time in test: $elapsedTime")

This code snippet demonstrates the creation of TestTimeSource, a custom TimeSource for testing purposes. It allows manual manipulation of the current time, enabling you to simulate various time scenarios in a controlled manner. By calling addElapsedTime, you can effectively fast-forward time, testing how your code behaves as time progresses.

Best Practices for Robust Time-Dependent Testing

Time-dependent code is code that behaves differently depending on the current time or the passage of time. For example, code that handles expiration dates, timeouts, scheduling, or caching. Testing time-dependent code can be challenging, as it may introduce flakiness, unpredictability, and complexity in your tests. Fortunately, Kotlin offers some advanced timing tools that can help you test time-dependent code with ease and confidence. In this article, you will learn how to use these tools and some best practices for robust time-dependent testing.

The first step to test time-dependent code is to segregate the logic that depends on time from your main business logic. This separation makes it easier to inject mock time sources during testing, and also improves the readability and maintainability of your code. One way to achieve this separation is to use the TimeSource interface, which provides a common abstraction for getting the current time. You can use the TimeSource.Monotonic or TimeSource.System implementations for your production code, and the TestTimeSource implementation for your test code.

The next step is to utilize custom time sources, like TestTimeSource, in your tests to simulate different time conditions without relying on real system time, thereby eliminating test flakiness. A TestTimeSource allows you to control the flow of time in your tests, by setting, advancing, or adjusting the time as needed. You can also use the TestCoroutineDispatcher class, which integrates with TestTimeSource, to test coroutines that use time-related functions, such as delay, withTimeout, or debounce.

The final step is to ensure your tests cover a wide range of time scenarios, including boundary conditions and abrupt time changes. This thoroughness helps in validating that your code robustly handles various time-related challenges, such as daylight-saving time, leap years, network latency, or clock skew. You can use the add and set methods of TestTimeSource to create these scenarios in your tests and use the assert functions of your testing framework to verify the expected outcomes.

Testing time-dependent code is paramount in building reliable and predictable applications. Kotlin’s advanced timing tools, when used effectively, enable you to create a robust testing environment. This environment ensures that your applications behave consistently, providing a solid foundation for your time-dependent functionalities.

Best Practices and Considerations for Advanced Time Measurements

Mastering Kotlin’s advanced time measurements isn’t just about using the tools; it’s about weaving them into your application in the most effective way. As you embark on this journey, keep in mind that the essence of these tools lies not only in their capabilities but also in how they harmonize with your application’s architecture and logic.

Embracing the Tools with Understanding

Getting the most out of Duration, ValueTimeMark, and TimeSource starts with a deep understanding of what they offer and how they behave under different scenarios. Take the time to explore their features, limitations, and the scenarios they are best suited for. This foundational knowledge will be your guide in making informed decisions about integrating these tools into your code.

Choosing the Right Time Source

The choice of a time source is a decision that echoes throughout your application. Whether you opt for the steadfast progression of TimeSource.Monotonic or decide to implement a custom TimeSource for wall-clock time, this choice should align with the core requirements of your application. Consider the nature of your time measurements and the implications of system time adjustments on your application’s behavior.

Balancing Precision with Performance

Precision is a hallmark of great software, but it’s a balancing act with performance. Be mindful of the overhead that might come with high-precision measurements, especially in sections of your application where performance is critical. Striking the right balance is key measure, assess, and optimize to ensure that your pursuit of precision doesn’t overshadow the need for efficiency.

Designing for Testability

Write your code with the future in mind. A design that prioritizes testability lays the groundwork for a robust application. By encapsulating time-dependent logic and allowing time sources to be injectable, you pave the way for easier testing, higher reliability, and code that stands the test of time.


As we’ve navigated through the rich landscape of Kotlin’s Timing API, Duration object, and advanced time measurement tools, it’s clear that Kotlin is not just keeping pace with the needs of modern application development—it’s setting the pace. The introduction of these features marks a significant evolution, offering a blend of precision, simplicity, and flexibility that is hard to find elsewhere.

Mastering time measurement is not just about writing better code. It’s about gaining insights into your application’s performance, optimizing operations, and ultimately, crafting a user experience that feels fluid and responsive. The tools Kotlin provides are designed not just to measure time but to give you the power to manage it effectively, turning time into an ally in your development journey.

Kotlin’s Timing API is more than a set of features; it’s a testament to a language and a community that continually strive for excellence. So, take these tools, explore their possibilities, and continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in your Android applications.

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Happy coding!